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Availability is the availability of a property for a given date range. It is used to determine whether a property is available for a given date range for a given number of guests and country.



arrivalDatestringArrival date for the availability.
departureDatestringDeparture date for the availability.
numberOfGuestsnumber/nullOptional. Number of guests for the availability.
countrystring/nullOptional. Country of the property.
propertyCountnumber/0Optional. Total number of properties available.
propertiesPropertyAvailability[]Optional. Array of property availability details.


propertyIdstringUnique identifier for the property.
createdAtstringOptional. Creation date of the property entry.
updatedAtstringOptional. Last updated date of the property entry.
namestringOptional. Name of the property.
internalNamestringOptional. Internal name of the property.
descriptionstringOptional. Description of the property.
thumbnailUrlstringOptional. URL of the property's thumbnail image.
picturesArrayOptional. Array of pictures of the property.
addressobjectOptional. Address of the property.
geolocationobjectOptional. Geolocation of the property.
languagestringOptional. Language of the property listing.
maximumNightsnumberOptional. Maximum nights of stay.
minimumNightsnumberOptional. Minimum nights of stay.
maxOccupancynumberOptional. Maximum occupancy of the property.
numberOfChildrennumberOptional. Number of children at the property.
numberOfInfantsnumberOptional. Number of infants at the property.
numberOfPetsnumberOptional. Number of pets allowed at the property.
startPricenumberOptional. Starting price for the property.
currencystringOptional. Currency for pricing.
timeZonestringOptional. Time zone of the property location.
ratingobjectOptional. Rating of the property.
roomsobjectOptional. Room details of the property.

Supported Methods​

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