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Custom Field

Custom fields are additional fields that can be added to a property or reservation to store additional information. These fields can be used to store information that is not available in the standard fields.


Field NameTypeDescription
idstring or numberUnique identifier for the custom field.
namestringName of the custom field.
entityTypeCustomFieldEntityTypeType of entity the custom field is associated with.
valueanyValue of the custom field.
typeCustomFieldTypeType of the custom field.
defaultValueanyDefault value of the custom field.
defaultValueTypestringType of the default value.
placeholderstringPlaceholder text for the custom field.



  PROPERTY = 'property',
RESERVATION = 'reservation',
TASK = 'task',
AVAILABILITY = 'availability',
CALENDAR = 'calendar',
CONVERSATION = 'conversation',
CUSTOM_FIELD = 'customField',
GUEST = 'guest',
QUOTE = 'quote',
OWNER = 'owner',


  TEXT = 'text',
LONG_TEXT = 'long_text',
NUMBER = 'number',
DATE = 'date',
TIME = 'time',
BOOLEAN = 'boolean',
DROPDOWN = 'dropdown',

Supported Methods​


"id": "1",
"name": "Custom Field 1",
"entityType": "property",
"value": "Value",
"type": "text",
"defaultValue": "Default Value",
"defaultValueType": "string",
"placeholder": "Placeholder"