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Rate Limiting

Learn about rate limits for the Calry API.


There are following types of rate limits to consider when using the Calry API:

  1. PMS Rate Limits.
  2. Calry Rate Limits.

PMS Rate Limits​

It is the rate limit set by the Source System (PMS) that you are working with. You need to consider the rate limit of the Source System when you are doing a realtime or passthrough request to a Source System. Calry API will return a rate limit error with the HTTP status code 429 - Too Many Requests when the request rate limit for a PMS Linked Account is reached.

When possible, we return the Source System's rate limit in the response headers.

Source System Rate Limits​

The rate limits for Source Systems are not standardized and can vary. We recommend checking the documentation for the specific Source System you are working with to understand their rate limits.

Source SystemRate LimitReference
Hostaway15 requests per 10 secondHostaway API Rate Limits
Guesty15 request per second, 120 request per minute, 5000 requests per hourGuesty API Rate Limits
Hostfully10000 requests per hourHostfully API Rate Limits
Hostify20 requests per secondN/A
Ownerrez300 request per 5 minuteOwnerrez API Rate Limits
Lodgify600 requests per minuteLodgify API Rate Limits
Beds24100 credits per 5 minute, each request is average 1.5 creditsBeds24 API Rate Limits
Smoobu1000 requests per minuteSmoobu API Rate Limits
HospitableNot ListedHospitable API Docs
Uplisting4 requests per second, 100 requests per minute, 15 requests per minute per propertyUplisting API Rate Limits
FantasticStay20 requests per secondN/A
BookingSync1000 requests per hourBookingSync API Rate Limits

Calry Rate Limits​

API requests to Calry's Unified API are rate limited to 100 requests per minute per linked account (as identified by the integrationAccountId attached to the request). If you exceed this limit, you will receive a 429 Too Many Requests response.

Key points to note:

  • Please do not poll the API. If you need to check for time-sensitive updates, webhooks are the absolute best option.
  • Every time a sync request is executed with your Vacation Rental integration, or often following a successful write request, our data cache is updated. Typically, and customizable per customer and integration, this sync request happens every 12 hours. Polling the Calry API more often than this schedule won't yield new data, as it only updates in line with the syncing frequency.