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Syncing Data

Offers completely managed data syncs for third-party integrations.


To fully comprehend Calry's integration with your vacation rental and hotel management systems, it's essential to first understand the fundamental workings of Calry. The platform maintains a high-quality API by regularly synchronizing with your systems, pulling data, converting it into a usable format, and then caching this transformed data. As a result, the information displayed in Calry represents a recent snapshot, reflecting data as of the last sync, unless real-time data is explicitly requested.

Syncing Data

This distinction is critical for accurate data interpretation and operational efficiency, particularly when managing time-sensitive tasks like reservation requests. It's important for users to be aware of the sync intervals to ensure they're making decisions based on the most recent and relevant information available.

Enabling Syncing Data​

  • Syncing Data is not enabled by default for all users. To enable syncing data, you can go to particular integration account and click on the Enable Syncing Data button. This will enable syncing data for that particular integration account.
  • Sync Frequency can be set to Every 15 minutes, Every 30 minutes, Every 1 hour, Every 12 hours, Every 24 hours.

Calry will sync with your vacation rental softwares and hotels property management system, retrieve data, transform data and cache that transformed data.